Firm News & Articles


Dr. Dariush Adli

President of ADLI Law Group

Vernon Nelson Jr.

Senior Counsel

Jacob I. Mojarro

Associate Attorney

Jamie Wright

Senior Of-Counsel

Ani Martirosian


Anthony Son


Darin Shaw


ADLI Law Group Legal Disclaimer

Disclaimer Regarding Information on Site The information contained and displayed on this site is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice or a legal opinion.  This site is a general display of public information about ADLI Law Group (the “Firm”, “us” or “we”) and its business of providing legal representation once properly engaged and is neither an advertisement nor a solicitation.  The information contained on this site may not necessarily reflect the most current legal developments.  You must seek the advice of legal counsel of your choice before acting upon any of the information displayed on this site.

No Attorney-Client Relationship/No Legal Advice Contacting the Firm by the means displayed on this site or by any other means now or later existing does not establish an attorney-client relationship.  An attorney-client relationship with the Firm only will exist, if at all, after we have determined in our sole discretion that we are able and willing to accept the engagement and have entered into a written engagement agreement with you.  You must not send any confidential information to us prior to a written engagement of our representation unless we specifically request it in order to consider the possibility of representation.  Information transmitted to us prior to engagement and without our specific request may not be treated as confidential or otherwise be protected from disclosure; and you are advised that information transmitted to us prior to formal written engagement of our services that has not been specifically requested in writing by the Firm will not restrict the Firm in its business activities nor will the provision of such unsolicited information preclude the Firm from representing any other person or entity.

The Firm Provides No Warranty Regarding Information on Website The information contained and displayed on this site is provided in an “as is” and “as available” capacity, without any representation or warranty of any kind, now or later existing, express nor implied, and the Firm does not represent or warrant that the information on this site, or any portion of it, is up to date, complete, accurate, free from mistake or error, free from virus, spyware, malware, adware, worms or the like, or sufficient for any particular purpose, requirement or need, legal or otherwise.  By accessing and viewing this site, you agree that the Firm will not be liable to you for any claim or damages of any kind, now or later existing, arising or related to this site and/or your access to, use of or reliance on the information contained and displayed on the site.  Your waiver of liability in the previous sentence includes a waiver of indirect, consequential, special, punitive or any other damages now or later existing including without limitation, any attorneys’ fees and costs and your attempts to inform the Firm of any potential damages you may suffer related to this site shall not invalidate or reduce the scope of your waiver of liability.

Ownership of Information and Licensure Other than as explicitly noted otherwise, all information contained and displayed on this site is property owned or licensed by the Firm and protected by trademark, copyright and other applicable laws.  The information contained and displayed on this site may not be copied or downloaded for the purpose of reproduction, posting, transmittal, distribution, creation of derivative works, broadcasting or other exploitation, without the prior written consent of the Firm, which the firm can withhold in its sole discretion.  The attorneys listed on this site are licensed to practice only in the jurisdictions set forth in their biographies.

No Guaranty of Results This site may contain, from time to time, information regarding successful representation by the Firm of Firm clients.  The results achieved in those matters were based on the facts and law applicable to those specific matters and the Firm does not and cannot guaranty any particular result to any future client, even if the facts are similar to situations in the past that ended with successful results for Firm clients.

Not Responsible for Third Party Content The Firm not responsible for any third-party content that may be accessed through or linked to the site. The Firm is not liable for any damages of any kind, now or later existing, incurred or resulting from your use of any third party content.