When do I renew a trademark?

The purpose of trademarking your property is to protect it from unauthorized use by another party. Trademarks are not unlimited and they will expire after a certain period of time. Therefore, it is important to have a good grasp on when your trademarks expire and how you can renew a trademark.
California trademark attorneys know when you need to renew a trademark and can help you keep track of these dates, as well as assist you in the renewal process.
Time Periods When You Must Renew a Trademark
Your trademark’s life begins on the date of registration. From this point, you need to be concerned with the renewal of a trademark when your trademark enters the 5th year after registration. If you do not file to renew a trademark between its 5th and 6th year of registration, you may have your registration canceled.
Following the first renewal, you will then be required to renew a trademark once every 9th year following the initial renewal. Again, if you do not file the secondary and subsequent renewals between the 9th and 10th year and every subsequent 9th and 10th year following, your trademark registration will be canceled.
There is a 6-month grace period within which you may still be able to file a renewal if the additional fee for a late filing is included when you attempt to renew a trademark. The services of California trademark attorneys will help you manage all your trademark renewals so you do not miss these important dates.
How to File to Renew a Trademark
When you file to renew a trademark you must complete the Declaration of Continued Use application. This declaration is to inform the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) that you are still actively using the trademark and it requires continued protection under their jurisdiction.
The first filing of this declaration must be processed on the 5th year from the initial registration date, but no later than the 6th year following registration. On the 9th year following the initial registration of the trademark, a subsequent filing of the Declaration of Continued Use needs to be filed before the start of the 10th year from the initial registration date. This 10-year renewal cycle must continue as long as the trademark holder wishes to retain ownership of the trademark.
Hiring California Trademark Attorneys
To ensure your trademarks are protected and renewal of a trademark is properly filed, you should seek professional assistance with trademark laws and processes. California trademark attorneys are experienced with many types of trademark needs and can help you manage when you need to renew a trademark and assist with the preparation of the declaration paperwork.
The California trademark attorneys at the ADLI Law Group P.C. have formed lasting relationships with businesses across Los Angeles County and around the globe. Contact ustoday for experienced help with when you need to renew a trademark – 800-817-2949.