Trademark Infringement

A healthy economy is always built on innovation, and for business professionals and inventors who pour their energy and imagination into designing an original brand, trademark infringement can be both detrimental to business and a uniquely personal issue. When dealing with cases of trademark infringement, the talented and knowledgeable business attorneys at ADLI Law Group P.C. have proven invaluable for companies of every size.
At ADLI Law Group P.C., we have substantial experience enforcing trademark law through measures such as cease-and-desist notifications, trademark oppositions, cancellations, domain name arbitrations, seizures and litigation before courts. No matter what your business need, the trademark lawyers you work with will be prepared to protect and enforce trademark rights including word marks and logos, color trademarks, product packaging and product configurations.
Every litigation attorney at ADLI Law Group P.C. can offer expert legal counsel on how to enhance and develop strong trademark rights worldwide. Our expertise extends to proper selection and use of marks and prosecution of trademark applications and registrations in the U.S. and at least 150 countries throughout the U.S., Europe and Asia.
If you believe your work or that of your business has been the victim of trademark infringement, contact the world-renowned legal experts at ADLI Law Group P.C. today, and we’ll put you in touch with a first-class attorney who is fully prepared to handle your business’s needs. Our creative solutions consistently lead to dispute resolution, license agreements, coexistence agreements and other trademark agreements that benefit the interests of our clients and the future of their businesses.