Trademark Help for All Creative Professionals
Whether you own an established business or are an ambitious up and coming creative entrepreneur, you likely know how frustrating the details of patent law can be. The experienced team of lawyers at ADLI Law Group P.C. knows that your valuable time is better spent on advancing your business goals, which is why our team of attorneys focuses on patent litigation from Los Angeles and to the world beyond, just for you. You can trust our team of experts to unravel the complex web of national and international trademark and copyright law so you can be assured that your ideas and work products are being suitably protected. According to Dr. Dariush Adli, one of the most prominent lawyers in the country, few areas of the law are as challenging and complex as patent law, which is why you aim for the very best lawyers on your team.
At ADLI Law Group, we offer help with trademark protection, enforcement, and acquirement, as well as portfolio management, dispute resolution, and protection against piracy and counterfeiting. Whether you seek defense against patent trolls who want to unfairly profit off your ideas, or you wish to acquire trademarks to protect and expand your business, our trademark attorneys in Los Angeles and elsewhere have years of experience working both in the U.S. and abroad. In an increasingly connected world, you can rest easy knowing that the details of different country’s copyright and trademark laws are taken care of for you.
If you need a trademark lawyer to help you with any issues regarding your brand, from domain name disputes to seizures to cease and desist letters, ADLI Law Group can help at locations in Los Angeles/Southern California and around the world. Contact us to get the intellectual property legal expertise you need.