Trademark Application

Trademarks are an enormously vast and complex area of intellectual property (IP) law that can mean the difference between success and failure for a business or an individual. ADLI Law Group offers a full range of trademark services, from trademark application to protection, enforcement, anti-counterfeiting, and anti-piracy, among many other aspects of complex trademark law.
For entrepreneurs who have recently started a company for the first time and even for extremely experienced businesspeople and specialists, completing a trademark application can be daunting. With the guidance and legal counsel of the trademark attorney team at ADLI Law Group, the complicated legal wording of a trademark application can be explained thoroughly and simply, removing a great deal of anxiety from the process. That is why ADLI Law Group has become the place for a trademark attorney Los Angeles businesses and individuals turn to first.
Indeed, handling the trademark application process in just the right way is an enormously complex matter. Lawyers handling it must be familiar with every intricacy and the roadblocks that can occasionally get in the way of a successful application.
If a client wishes to enter the international market it gets yet more complicated. The good news is that ADLI Law Group is a firm with international reach. We maintain offices in London, Tokyo, and Taipei as well as downtown Los Angeles. We are also expert in both the domestic and International patent application process, from worldwide patent searches to PCT (patent cooperation treaty) applications.
The Finest Legal Talent
Each ADLI Law Group trademark lawyer brings with them a practical, business-centric approach to handling every type of trademark issue a client might encounter. Our diverse skillset means we are experienced at managing the trademark portfolios of large corporations and assisting emerging companies in developing unique trademarks as well.
Alongside our team’s in-depth legal experience, much of our expertise also comes from our background dealing with issues of patents, copyright and trademark and all other aspects of the trademark application process in other contexts. In fact, ADLI Law Group founder and president Dr. Dariush ADLI served as the Head of the Patent Group at a large international law firm as well as working as a lead product design scientist at Duke Electric Company, prior to becoming a widely respected patent litigation lawyer and founding his renowned legal practice.
Dr. ADLI and the ADLI Law Group legal team have broad experience in the most highly technical areas, as well as the most creative. From dealing with infringement or validity opinions to working in such areas as semiconductors and integrated circuits to computer software, digital processing, and the field of communications and entertainment, the ADLI Law Group team is the finest IP law resource available.
If you are concerned with trademark applications or trademark infringement issues for your company or product, contact the team at ADLI Law Group P.C. today. Our expert attorneys are eager to offer their business, science and legal expertise to inventors and businesses looking to protect their inventions and secure the future of their businesses. Whether you are looking for a trademark attorney to protect a design, a product name, or a logo or require a high-tech or biotechnology patent attorney, the outstanding lawyers of ADLI Law Group P.C. are here to help businesses and individuals achieve the success they deserve.
For further information, please call us at 800-817-2949 or visit our contact page.