ADLI advises and counsels businesses in obtaining patent protection for their valuable inventions, to develop, expand and optimize their patent portfolios, and to license, monetize, enforce and defend their patents.


With a B.S. degree in Physics and Math and a Ph.D. in Nuclear Engineering, Dr. Adli has a deep understanding of science and high technologies, which has enabled him to advise and counsel businesses of all sizes, from startups to billion-dollar international conglomerates, secure patent protection for their valuable product, process, design, and business method inventions.


ADLI attorneys possess decades of experience successfully representing dozens of plaintiffs and defendants in patent litigation disputes in federal courts across the country and at the International Trade Commission (ITC).  Dr. Adli has first-chaired a half dozen jury trials in federal courts and bench trials at the ITC.


ADLI additionally counsels, advises and represents clients in “litigation equivalent” proceedings available at the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office, including Inter partes review, post-grant review, covered business method proceedings, and ex-parte reexamination.


In addition to patent litigation and litigation equivalent services, ADLI’s patent counseling and representation services include issuing and responding to cease and desist letters, pre-litigation strategizing and opinion letters, alternative dispute resolution, patent portfolio optimization, licensing, monetizing, and pre-product launch opinions.


ADLI combines its impressive patent litigation record with a creative and custom-tailored fee structure; a combination, which has earned it a well-deserved reputation as the go-to firm for businesses of any size for counseling and representation in all patent matters.


Registered as a patent attorney at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office for two decades, Dr. Adli has helped clients secure hundreds of utility patents for inventions spanning across numerous fields of technology, including electrical, software, semiconductor, nanotechnology, telecommunication and mechanical.  ADLI has also helped clients obtain dozens of design patents to protect aesthetic aspects of their product and process inventions.


ADLI helps clients obtain patent protection for their business method inventions, which are defined as inventions, which relate to data processing and operations used in the practice, administration, or management of a financial product or service.  Recent court clarification of business method patent laws provides an opportunity for businesses to obtain patent protection, and the corresponding competitive advantage, for their business method inventions.


The recent spread of legal Cannabis across state lines has corresponded to a burst of corresponding activity in obtaining patent protection for Cannabis-related inventions.  ADLI has been at the forefront of legal Cannabis, and in helping Cannabis-related businesses identify and obtain patent protection for their Cannabis-related inventions.


ADLI’s innovative custom-tailored and flexible pricing approach allows it to offer legal services to clients, who may otherwise not be able to obtain the quality representation they deserve.

How to File an International Trademark

April 12, 2016

A trademark is only protected in the country in which it was filed. If you are concerned with protecting your trademark in multiple countries, you will need to file for…

Do trade secrets require filing with a state or federal government agency?

April 12, 2016

If you have a unique formula or process that is the core of your business, you most likely have a trade secret that needs to be kept confidential from other…

Can I register my trademark internationally?

April 12, 2016

Thanks to the Madrid Protocol in effect since 2003, international businesses are now able to easily secure trademark registration in approximately 75 countries with a single application. California trademark attorneys…