Advocates. Dealmakers. Litigators. Innovators.
We protect your rights internationally, whether in intellectual property law or business law!
Our in-depth knowledge and experience uniquely qualify us to handle any complex IP acquisition, licensing, post-grant process and litigation situations.
We adapt our approach and focus on customer needs. We begin by understanding the activities, goals and objectives of our client and work closely with the client to develop a strategy tailored to their specific objectives. We are developing a legal strategy that is tailored to our clients' resources, their risks, and their overall business objectives. Our lawyers in intellectual property and business law focus on quick resolution strategies. These strategies include early mediation, settlement through direct negotiations during the pre-discovery phase of the litigation, summary judgment and binding arbitration.

A Lawyer’s Place In Bankruptcy
Bankruptcy is a difficult thing to finally do. There are people that go months denying that they need to file for bankruptcy or putting it off because of pride, that it only winds up pushing them further into debt. At ADLI Law Group, we are extremely sensitive to our clients and recognize that while you…
Tips for Divorcing Parents
Divorce is an extremely painful process. Aside from the separation of two partners, divorce requires you to go through your finances and belongings and quite literally split up what belongs to who. If you add kids to the mix, then the divorce can become even more painful and difficult. At ADLI law, we have lawyers…