Advocates. Dealmakers. Litigators. Innovators.
We protect your rights internationally, whether in intellectual property law or business law!
Our in-depth knowledge and experience uniquely qualify us to handle any complex IP acquisition, licensing, post-grant process and litigation situations.
We adapt our approach and focus on customer needs. We begin by understanding the activities, goals and objectives of our client and work closely with the client to develop a strategy tailored to their specific objectives. We are developing a legal strategy that is tailored to our clients' resources, their risks, and their overall business objectives. Our lawyers in intellectual property and business law focus on quick resolution strategies. These strategies include early mediation, settlement through direct negotiations during the pre-discovery phase of the litigation, summary judgment and binding arbitration.

ADLI Operating Status During COVID-19 Pandemic
First and foremost, we hope you and your loved ones are staying healthy and safe. As we navigate these uncharted waters together, trying to address problems, which seems to have descended upon us so suddenly and unexpectedly, ADLI is here to help. We are open for business and will continue to be here for…
ADLI Successfully Defends Business Against ADA Violation Claim Brought by Frequent ADA Litigant Plaintiff’s Attorney
In the past few years, the number of complaints filed in federal court alleging violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”) for construction-related deficiencies has skyrocketed. In the Central District of California alone, such cases have risen from composing approximately 3% of all civil actions filed in 2013 to compose 24% of all civil…