Overcoming Copyright Assumptions and Myths

Perception of the term “copyright” varies depending on the party of interest. Copyright can be mostly associated with the written word, but that’s not always the case. The ADLI Law Group, P.C. cautions against limited assumptions about copyright protections. Those involved with creative expression, whether in words, music, images or other original work, should be cognizant of potential “associated rights.” If in doubt, consult with a copyright lawyer for a comprehensive list.
For instance, architectural designs, computer software, choreographic works and sculptures are copyright protected. Undocumented ideas, speeches that are unwritten and un-recorded, commonly available data and works by the U.S. government are not protectable under Federal copyright laws but may be eligible under state laws. Learning whether your creation is covered by copyright is best left to legal counsel. The ADLI Law Group, P.C. can clearly outline copyright situations, identify potential infringements, and if necessary provide superior litigation attorney services to its clients at reasonable costs.
Many people assume that copyright coverage is straightforward – either you created and therefore enjoy the right, or not. Yet a significant number of copyright cases through the years have been complex. Technically, a copyright creates automatically when an original work is created and recorded in a reproducible manner. However, registration provides a copyright owner with an additional level of protection. In addition, registration is required as a condition for initiating a lawsuit to assert a copyright against an infringer in court. There may also be other options such as design patent and trademark, available to protect your intellectual property. ADLI Law Group, P.C. provides cogent and complete legal advice regarding copyright, as well as trademark and design patent.
For information regarding copyright law or other matters pertaining to business litigation, Los Angeles based ADLI Law Group, P.C. focuses on intellectual property and business law nationwide and internationally. The firm’s founder and president, Dr. Dariush Adli, Ph.D., Esq., built a solid reputation from his background as Counsel at a large Los Angeles-based international law firm. Dr. Adli utilized his expertise and connections to develop a first-class team of skilled attorneys in copyright, patent, trademark, trade-secret and intellectual property-related matters.