In today’s highly competitive and increasingly global marketplace, a business’s intellectual property (IP) can be a priceless asset, allowing businesses to get a competitive edge, attract investors, obtain financing, and add to the firm’s bottom line.  In fact, intellectual property is often a business’s most valuable asset.


Intellectual property can be broadly divided into five categories: patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, and misappropriation of name and likeness. Of these, patents are the most valuable.  Possession and utilization of any of these types of intellectual property can be essential for a growing business. In addition to enhancing a business’s domestic market position, a multitude of international conventions and treaties provide the opportunity for an intellectual property owner to expand the reach of its IP protected products and services across the globe. It is no wonder, then, that in today’s global economy, intellectual property is a primary factor in determining a business’s value and its ability to attract investors and partners.


Intellectual property protection can benefit businesses of any size, from startups to Fortune 500 companies, at any stage of growth and development.  The ability to identify, protect, and manage intellectual property is thus a crucial part of a business success strategy for all businesses.  As a business grows and builds its brand, it is vital that it be able to defend its intellectual property rights. Infringement of highly valuable patents, disclosure of trade secrets, or the unauthorized use of a copyright or trademark by an unsavory competitor can have a devastating impact on a business’s market position, its bottom line, and its growth potential.


At ADLI, we work diligently to help businesses achieve their full intellectual property potential and protect their market position by keeping competitors from infringing their valuable intellectual property. ADLI likewise works to protect its clients from overzealous competitors who may falsely allege infringement in order to gain a market advantage.


Our attorneys have decades of experience in litigating patent, trademark and copyright, trade secret and misappropriation of name and likeness disputes. We have vast experience in the arenas where intellectual property cases are most often brought, including United States District Courts, California Superior and Appeal Courts, United States Courts of Appeal, International Trade Commission (ITC) and the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB).

Whether your business is being damaged by infringers utilizing your hard-earned intellectual property, or accusations of infringement against you are stifling your business, ADLI is here to help. Some of our successes for our clients include:

Start-up Vape Pen

Successfully represented start-up vape pen designer and manufacturer and owner of a patent directed to anti-leakage technology for vape pens, in patent infringement action against competitor infringer by obtaining a jury verdict of patent infringement and $860K in damages.

Start-up Business

Successfully defended startup business against a claim of patent infringement brought by fortune 500 owner of a patent directed to smartphone battery charger case.

Start-up Auto Wheel Designer

Successfully defended startup auto wheel designer and wholesaler in design patent infringement action brought by a much larger competitor and patent owner, by securing a jury verdict of non-infringement of the asserted design patents.

Start-up Sound Technology Innovator

Successfully defended startup sound technology innovator and intellectual property owner in a lawsuit brought by former CEO, claiming intellectual property infringement, by securing verdict in favor of the defendant and obtaining an award of attorneys’ fees.

Well-known Film Writer

Successfully defended well-known film writer/director/producer in a court action brought by former business partner regarding ownership of the copyright in movie scripts.

Jury Verdict of Willful Trademark Infringement

Successfully secured a jury verdict of willful trademark infringement and $260K in damages for a manufacturer and nationwide wholesaler of cosmetic brushes and nail brushes.

Start-up Consumer Product Importer

Successfully defended startup consumer product importer and distributor in a patent infringement action brought by a much larger competitor claiming infringement of a patent directed to an assembly bed whose components fit inside the headboard, by securing summary judgment of patent invalidity.


Successfully represented publisher/author in a copyright infringement action brought by the alleged owner of copyrighted images of Marilyn Monroe, claiming unauthorized use of the images in a book