‘Fyre’ Danger! 7 Ways Influencers, Brands and Agencies Can Avoid Getting Burned for Not Disclosing Endorsements, Entrepreneur (April 10, 2019)

In an article published by Entrepreneur, Paul I. Menes, Co-Head of the Entertainment and Media Practice at Adli Law Group, and known as The Influencer Lawyer ™, discusses the fallout from the Fyre Festival fiasco. He explores the implications and consequences for Festival promoter Billy McFarland and his associates, the influencers who promoted and endorsed the Festival, and the PR and talent agencies who worked with and represented them. The fallout could include those influencers and agencies being held liable for some of the multimillion-dollar fraud perpetrated on Festival attendees by McFarland, as well as possible influencers’ and agencies’ liability for involvement in future scams and other nondisclosed endorsements.
To read the article, click here.