Do I Need an Attorney to Acquire a Patent?
Starting a patent application is not just a matter of filling out several stacks of paperwork, submitting diagrams, and paying fees. It requires knowledge of patent law, patent office procedure, as well as knowledge of the scientific or technical matters of the idea, process, or product you intend to patent.
Is It Possible to File a Patent On My Own?
Yes. All of the proper paperwork, fee schedules, and procedure guidelines are outlined on the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s website. However, you should only attempt to file a patent application on your own if you are confident that you have the knowledge, resources, and time to properly collect and submit the documentation necessary to achieve a successful outcome.
Going about the patent application process yourself can be a time-consuming and tedious task, especially if you need to learn all of the nuances of patent law and procedure along the way.
The patent application process is made much easier with the help of an experienced Los Angeles patent attorney who can perform a patent search and tell you – based on the results of the search – whether or not it would be worth it for you to file a patent. This information alone can save you a lot of time and money.
How Does A Los Angeles Patent Attorney Help My Patent Application?
It is always easier to complete a task when you have the guidance of someone who is experienced and successful at completing the task on your side. A trustworthy Los Angeles patent attorney will not only have been through the patent application process multiple times, but they will also have training in your field of invention.
Your Los Angeles patent attorney will know the patent law for the area you are submitting your patent application for – whether within the U.S. or internationally. The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) recognizes only certain individuals as being allowed to represent inventors in their patent application process – this includes an examination and approval that your Los Angeles patent attorney should have passed and obtained.
While non-attorneys can become “patent agents” only attorneys at law can be considered “patent attorneys” and conduct patent litigation when necessary. Whether it be nuclear energy processes, networking technology, optics, radar, or any other technical field, you should seek out a Los Angeles patent attorney that is familiar with the subject matter you are drafting a patent application for.
What is the Process for Hiring a Los Angeles Patent Attorney?
Once you have located and consulted with your chosen Los Angeles patent attorney, you will execute a power of attorney (POA) which is filed with the USPTO and made record in your patent application file.
A POA gives your attorney the right to act on your behalf with respect to your patent application. Once the POA is in place, the USPTO must correspond directly with your attorney since they are now representing your patent application.
At any time during the application process, however, you have the right to contact the USPTO regarding the status of your patent application. You also have the right at any given time to revoke the POA and continue the patent application process on your own.
The Los Angeles patent attorneys at the ADLI Law Group P.C. specialize in protecting your rights and interests as the inventor of an idea, process, or product. Our firm is equipped to assist you with your patent, trademark, or copyright needs. With clients across Los Angeles County and around the globe in China, Taiwan and Japan, we’ve helped hundreds of inventors secure their ideas. Contact us today for experienced help with securing the rights to your invention – (213) 223-2365.