What’s in A Name? Everything If Your Name Is Kylie Jenner
We’re saturated with Kylie Jenner. She has a celebrity. She’s all over reality TV as a Kardashian adjunct. She regularly graces the covers of tabloids. She has tens of millions…
Who’s An Employee? The Impact of Dynamex, Daily Journal (July 2, 2018)
In an article for the Daily Journal, Dr. Dariush Adli examines the landmark decision, where the California Supreme Court changed the standard for designating employees as independent contractors, making it…
Should Musical Works be Entitled to ‘Broad’ or ‘Thin’ Copyright Protection?, The Recorder (June 12, 2018)
In an article for The Recorder, Dr. Dariush Adli examines the hotly disputed legal issue between the majority and dissent in the recent, highly publicized, U.S. Court of Appeals for…