
The Critical Importance of Patents

Intellectual property is a huge part of the U.S. and global economies. When somebody innovates, discovers, or pioneers a new technology through hard work and the incursion of risk, they should have the ability to protect what is rightfully theirs. Dr. Dariush Adli, Ph.D., Esq. and his team at the ADLI Law Group P.C. know…


About Entertainment and New Media Laws

The creative community based around film and television in Los Angeles, provides enjoyable content for audiences to consume the world over. They help to entertain and inspire people with their ideas; ideas that need to be protected if the entertainment industry is to remain viable. Dr. Dariush Adli, Ph.D., Esq., the founder and president of…


Avoid the Courtroom with a Top-Notch Legal Team

When you find yourself in a patent lawsuit filed by you or a rival business, it’s important to hire a talented legal team like ADLI Law Group, P.C. to represent your interests and maximize your chances of coming out on top. Even with top-notch representation, it is preferable to avoid business litigation in Los Angeles…


Defeating the Cease and Desist Letter

When your business is just beginning to find its footing, there’s nothing worse than receiving a cease and desist letter directed at one of your products, services or projects. You did the research, filed the necessary paperwork, but still, rival and competitor companies will try to take advantage of your up-and-coming status in an attempt…


Expert Guidance in Los Angeles and Beyond

Los Angeles is a city of prosperity, growth, and innovation. Yet, it takes a knowledgeable team of intellectual property lawyers to protect and preserve this innovation. Dr. Dariush Adli, the Founder and President of ADLI Law Group P.C., has many years of experience as a copyright attorney in Los Angeles, and has extensive knowledge on…


File a Complete, Successful Patent with ADLI Law Group, P.C.

After you’ve spent hours intellectually and physically developing your idea into an invention, it’s vital that you take the necessary steps to obtain patent protection for your invention. While there are many “bargain” DIY legal services out there, which purport to help companies and inventors file a patent, these services can often leave holes in…


The Legal Team That Will Work Hard For You

When you need a litigation attorney for patent, trademark, copyright acquisition, business, or litigation issues, it’s important to choose an expert team who you know you can trust to give you sound advice. Nothing is worse than hiring a lawyer for your business, only to discover they don’t have your best interests at heart. At…


Protecting Yourself with the Help of an Outstanding Legal Team

In the business world, challenges will often arise on the intellectual property side of your company. There will often be people who want to appropriate your ideas, contest your copyright, or use your property without your permission. In these cases it’s important to have a top notch intellectual property attorney on your side to handle…


What Can an Intellectual Property Attorney Do For Me?

In business, intellectual property issues often arise at the least opportune moment. The creative world, from the music to technology industry is filled with people looking to take advantage of businesses in order to make a quick profit. Whether you have a cease and desist letter to deal with or are faced with an attack…


Defending Your Creative Interests with Incredible Legal Experts

When you’re in the entertainment business, whether you’re a budding songwriter or an experienced producer, it’s important to enlist the services of a professional entertainment lawyer. As many people in the creative industry can tell you, issues with intellectual property law can arise at any time, leaving you with legal issues at the least opportune…