Providing our Clients important legal updates and interesting topics relevant to our practice areas. Interested in reading about a certain topic? Email us your request at [email protected] and one of our attorneys might make it into their monthly article.
An Expert Team in Litigation, IP and Trademark Law
ADLI Law Group, P.C., was founded by the acclaimed Los Angeles business litigation attorney Dr. Dariush Adli – a fact that is wholly apparent in the dedication and skill of…
Trust the Litigation Attorney Team at Adli Law Group, P.C.
Whether you’re a leader at a Fortune 500 company or a struggling professional at your own start-up, at some point in your career, you are almost certain to require the…
A Team that is Dedicated to Copyright, IP and Trademark Law
At ADLI Law Group, P.C., our Los Angeles copyright attorney team specializes in providing the type of intellectual property, copyright, trademark and litigation services that are necessary to thrive in…