Providing our Clients important legal updates and interesting topics relevant to our practice areas. Interested in reading about a certain topic? Email us your request at [email protected] and one of our attorneys might make it into their monthly article.
Social Media and Business Reputation
The term “social media” probably makes you think of a variety of famous websites, like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Yelp, or YouTube. Social media may also be defined broadly as the online interaction…
What Do You Mean We Have A Contract?!
Contract formation is one of the oldest forms of human interaction. It dates back to the oral contract forming Adam and Eve’s deal with God to live in the Garden…
Cease and Desist Letter
Receiving a cease and desist letter can unnerve even the most experienced professionals and businesspeople. However, according to Dr. Dariush ADLI, founder and president of ADLI Law Group, P.C., receiving…