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Providing our Clients important legal updates and interesting topics relevant to our practice areas. Interested in reading about a certain topic? Email us your request at [email protected] and one of our attorneys might make it into their monthly article. 

The Different Types of Patents

August 29, 2016

Welcome back to the blog series of ADLI Law where we are currently covering the many sides of intellectual property and how to protect it. Hopefully we’ve provided you with…

Protecting Your Invention

August 24, 2016

One of the areas where intellectual property gets a bit of action is within inventions and their process of becoming a full on, patented product or concept. Understanding how to…

Terms Commonly Found With Intellectual Property – Part 2

August 19, 2016

While we covered quite a few terms in our last blog post, there are still plenty of other legal terms and rights that are available to intellectual property. In our…