Providing our Clients important legal updates and interesting topics relevant to our practice areas. Interested in reading about a certain topic? Email us your request at [email protected] and one of our attorneys might make it into their monthly article.

What Exactly Are Trademarks & Copyrights?
Copyrights and trademarks are commonly seen in our day-to-day life. They are an important part of protecting your work and brand that is uniquely created for your business. Both can…
Always Use Protection! – Submitting Your Ideas Without Getting Ripped Off
Just about everyone at one time or another has come up with an idea for a movie, TV show, product or service. They’ve seen or are aware of how much…
A Lawyer’s Place In Bankruptcy
Bankruptcy is a difficult thing to finally do. There are people that go months denying that they need to file for bankruptcy or putting it off because of pride, that…