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Providing our Clients important legal updates and interesting topics relevant to our practice areas. Interested in reading about a certain topic? Email us your request at [email protected] and one of our attorneys might make it into their monthly article. 

Understanding Landlord Rights

January 4, 2017

As a landlord, managing multiple properties, or even just one, can be a daunting responsibility. Whether it’s getting a call in the middle of a night because of a leak…

Breaking Down Arbitration

December 22, 2016

After receiving a contract of employment, contract for bank agreements, or consumer contracts (like agreeing to updates on your Apple devices), you may breeze over an arbitration clause. They can…

What Exactly Are Trademarks & Copyrights?

December 21, 2016

Copyrights and trademarks are commonly seen in our day-to-day life. They are an important part of protecting your work and brand that is uniquely created for your business. Both can…