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General Contractors: What to Include in a Home Improvement Contract

July 14, 2017

You have agreed to do some remodeling work for a homeowner.  They seem really nice and innocent.  So, you decide not to waste time with a written contract.  Worse yet,…

“The Slants” Win the Supreme Court Battle Against the Patent and Trademark Office

June 27, 2017

Seven years ago, the Asian-American Rock Band from Oregon started an application to register their name, “The Slants” as a Trademark. The USPTO, who didn’t seem to appreciate the irony…

Importance of “Boilerplate” Terms in Contracts

May 24, 2017

The term “boilerplate” in contracts is often used to refer to miscellaneous terms and provisions, which don’t concern the main terms and conditions of the agreement.  For that reason, boilerplate…