ADLI Family Law Recovers a $1.25 Million Judgment for Client

The case, spearheaded by Marina Manoukian (ADLI’s Head of Family Law), involved domesticating an out-of-state judgment, to collect $1.33 million owed. The judgment debtor owned a debt-free vacation property that he was attempting to liquidate so that he could avoid paying the assigned judgment. Manoukian was able to freeze the funds by obtaining an ex-parte injunction after some clever investigating helped her identify and locate the property’s escrow company.
Following a motion for assignment order, the proceeds from the sale of the vacation home were assigned to ADLI’s client––––resulting in a win of $1.25 million dollars.
With more than 25 years of experience in Family law, Marina Manoukian and ADLI Law Group are prepared to fight for your family’s best interests. To learn more about the Family Law practice at ADLI, or to see how we may be able to help your family, please click here.