A World-Class Team for a Global Entertainment Industry
Among those seeking a first-rate Los Angeles business lawyer, ADLI Law Group, P.C. is a definitive presence, thanks in large part to the unparalleled skill of our lead attorney and founder Dr. Dariush Adli, Ph.D, Esq. Upon the inception of his practice, Dr. Adli knew he wanted to create a firm that was dedication to offering a Los Angeles trademark attorney to those in high technology companies in a wide variety of scientific specialties.
Today, their legal team offers business litigation and other legal services to those in fields that range from high technology, the mechanical arts, integrated circuit, computer hardware, architecture, software, digital processing and more, thanks largely to the expertise of Dr. Adli. However, the acclaimed attorney understands that there is much more to patent, trademark and IP law that tech and science fields – which is why he has built a team that provides expertise in a variety of fields – including television, film, music and multimedia.
In fact, ADLI Law Group, P.C. is also renowned for offering the best entertainment lawyer in Los Angeles. Recording artists, songwriters, music producers, composers, managers, music publishing companies, dis jockeys, authors and other entertainment industry professionals all regularly consult our team for assistance in patent and trademark issues.
Perhaps most importantly, since we have offices in London, Tokyo and Taipei as well as our headquarters in Los Angeles, we have been able to keep pace with an increasingly globalized entertainment field. No matter what field you’re in, you’ll find the legal assistance you need from our world-class team.